KITTY-LITTER - C&EN - American Chemical Society

20 May.,2024


KITTY-LITTER - C&EN - American Chemical Society

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For today's cat owners, cat litter is as much a necessity as cat food. But before 1950, most cat boxes were filled with sand, dirt, or ashes instead of the more convenient superabsorbent litters to which cat lovers are now accustomed.

Kitty litter got its start when a neighbor frustrated with her cat tracking ashes throughout the house asked a budding entrepreneur named Edward Lowe for some sand. Lowe, whose family owned an industrial absorbents company, convinced her to try clay instead. So Lowe sent the neighbor home with an absorbent clay called Fuller's earth. She loved it and soon would use nothing else in her cat box.

Her enthusiasm spurred Lowe to try to sell the stuff, which he dubbed "Kitty Litter," as a cat box filler. But the local pet store owner was doubtful that anyone would pay money for the product when the alternatives were available for next to nothing. So Lowe began giving it away for free. Soon, he had satisfied customers willing to pay good money for Kitty Litter. By 1990, Edward Lowe Industries was the largest producer of cat box filler in the U.S.

The secret to Lowe's Kitty Litter is granulated Fuller's earth. Fuller's earth is actually a catchall term for a chemically diverse set of absorbent clay minerals capable of absorbing their weight in water. Fuller's earth litters naturally provide some odor control by sequestering urine. But if the soiled litter isn't replaced and urine begins to collect at the bottom of the box, bacteria found in feces will convert the uric acid in cat urine into unpleasant-smelling ammonia. Fuller's earth litters can alleviate some of the ammonia odor by trapping the positively charged ammonium ions that are formed when water in urine protonates the ammonia. To improve odor control, cat litter manufacturers use a number of additives, including baking soda to absorb smells, fragrances to mask unpleasant scents, and antibacterial agents to kill odor-causing bacteria.

Traditional clay litters like Lowe's original Kitty Litter still make up about 40% of the cat litter market. But like ashes, dirt, and sand, traditional clay litters must be discarded and replaced fairly often, making cat box cleaning a frequent chore. Unhappy with the inconvenience of traditional litters, biochemist and cat lover Thomas Nelson began investigating alternative clay formulations in the early 1980s. He observed that a certain type of clay called bentonite clumped up in the presence of moisture, allowing waste to be isolated and scooped out, leaving behind clean litter. Today, roughly 60% of the cat litter sold in the U.S. is of the clumping variety, and most of it is made from bentonite clay.

Bentonite is largely composed of montmorillonite, a clay mineral made up of stacks of SiO4 sandwiched between two sheets of octahedrally coordinated aluminum, magnesium, or iron. Substitution of lower valence ions for some of the higher valence ones in the octahedral sheets creates a negative charge imbalance that traps cations, most often sodium or calcium, between the stacked sandwiches.

The absorption power of various types of bentonite is determined by which cation is present and in what amount. Because sodium ions have a larger hydration sphere than calcium ions do, sodium bentonite can absorb more moisture than its calcium counterpart, explains clay scientist Shobha Parekh of Wyo-Ben, a bentonite mining company in Billings, Mont. Sodium-rich bentonite is therefore the material of choice for clumping cat litter, she says.

Like traditional clay litters, bentonite litters provide some inherent odor control, thanks to their ability to sequester urine and to trap any NH4+ produced from urine degradation. Recently, "crystal" cat litters that promise improved odor control have entered the market. The silica gel used to make these crystals is chemically similar to that used in desiccants. The silica gel crystals in such litters are dotted with tiny pores, allowing the crystals to absorb cat urine, then slowly allow the water to evaporate off.

Some cat lovers fear--unnecessarily, cat litter manufacturers say--that their cats might harm themselves by ingesting superabsorbent clay litters if they lick their paws after doing their business in the box. In response, a number of companies are marketing plant-derived alternatives made of wood pulp, corn, wheat--even peanut shells and orange peels.

For example, Swheat Scoop litter, marketed by Detroit Lakes, Minn.-based Pet Care Systems, relies on natural wheat enzymes to neutralize litter box odor, while wheat starches trap moisture and clump firmly for easy scooping. In addition to being safe to eat, Swheat Scoop and other plant-derived alternative litters are biodegradable and can be used as mulch or even flushed down the toilet. Swheat Scoop founder Mike Hughes estimates that more than 160,000 tons of nonbiodegradable cat litter ends up in municipal solid-waste landfills each year.

Despite this vast array of choices--both clumping and nonclumping litters made of clay, silica, and plant-derived alternatives--most cat lovers still think that cleaning the litter box stinks.

Choosing the Right Cat Litter | Top 5

Our feline friends can be temperamental when it comes to their litter boxes. The smell and texture of litter grains alone can turn a cat off from their sacred sandbox. 

To avoid accidents in your nearest dresser drawer or cardboard box, we put five of our best cat litters to the test: Sustainably Yours Multi Cat Plus, Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat Ultra Litter, Naturally Fresh Quick Clumping, World's Best Cat Litter, BoxieCat, and Lonestar Pine Pellets. 

We tested their clumping ability, tracking, texture, ingredients, and longviety. All to help you determine which kitty litter best suits your cat! Here is how they stacked up...

Clump, clump, clump it up!

Clumping cat litter not only helps with scoopability, but hygiene and odor too. Containing yesterday's news to a singular area helps eliminate odors, keep litter fresh, and slows the spread of bacteria.

Here is our score out of five on clumping:

While Naturally Fresh & Dr. Elsey's need time (about 15 mins) to completely harden and clump up, Sustainably Yours and World's Best Cat Litter provide immediate absorption.

Even though the Pine Pellets scored lower, they still work great at providing immediate absorption. Once moisture hits the pellets, they turn to dust and drop to the bottom of the litter box pan. Get a sifting litter pan or metal scoop and you're all set.

That tracks...

There is nothing worse than walking barefoot and stepping on lost litter grains. But, unfortunately tracking comes with the territory! 

For all those messy cats out there, we tested their tracking and dust quality.

For all those messy cats out there, we tested their tracking and dust quality.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Sodium Bentonite Cat Litter.

Here is how they measured up:

Check out these litter pans and will help with tracking.

What's in the bag?

Cat litter is one of the biggest pet waste polluters. It is estimated that 4 million tons of cat litter material goes into landscape and landfills each year. Without environmentally friendly ingredients, litter can leave behind toxic chemicals in soil and pollute waterways.

Here are the ONLY ingredients you'll find these litter options:

Clay litter is a traditional litter choice, and Dr. Elsey's is a top-tier, widely loved sodium bentonite clumping clay litter.

But new enhancements like corn, cavassas, and walnuts have created a sustainable pathway for cat litter. And, these ingredients have put clumping litter back on top as the best at odor control.

These ingredients also mimic what many cats would find outdoors. Making them a great choice for any indoor/outdoor feline friend.

Grain, pellet, or other?

It's an important question. Usually, smaller grains mean high tracking. But, this is mostly a personal preference. And by personal, we mean your cat!

Here is what grain size your cat will expect:

Tomlinson's Pro Tip: Does your cat have Urinary Tract issues? Sustainably Yours is almost white in color, making it easy to spot color difference in urine.

Going the extra mile...

Because litter is one of the most purchased cat essentials, selecting a long-lasting product helps keep costs low. All five of these litters go above and beyond traditional cat litter brands and have multi cat household formulas.

This is how long one bag will last for your average kitty cat:

Cat Litter FAQs

What is the difference in Clumping vs. Non-Clumping litter?

Non-clumping litter grains are designed to absorb moisture. This means you only remove the solid waste and redistribute the grains that have soaked up any urine. Non-clumping litter needs to be completely changed on a weekly basis.

Clumping litter grains stick/clump together when introduced to moisture, making all cat waste a solid. With clumping litter, scooping out the solid masses leaves fresh grains behind for further use.

I heard clumping litter is bad for kittens...

If you cat or kitten is eating litter, they might have a deficiency. Take them to the vet! Although eating litter sounds dangerous, most litter contains relatively safe ingredients that, while not meant to be ingested, can be eaten without harm. 

But, do not let eating clumping litter continue. A trip to the vet, a good diet, and a close eye on their litter box habits will put a stop to this.

How often should I completely change my cat's litter box?

The average is every 2-3 weeks for most cats. But, this depends on the clumping ability and your cat's litter preference and bathroom habits.

A high-quality clumping litter will have a longer lifespan and a non-clumping litter will begin to grow bacteria if not cleaned out regularly. In general, keeping your cat's litter box clean will extend the life of their litter. 

Scented Litter or Unscented litters?

This is a personal preference! We tend to lend towards unscented. (Naturally Fresh has an earthy aroma.)

A natural cat litter will usually skip fragrances and chemicals and opt for a more eco-friendly approach to odor control. But, go with what your cat prefers.

We're cat people!

Cats can be tough to impress. But we have all the bells, whistles, and scratch pads your home needs to make even the grumpiest cat purr. 

We love helping cat parents raise happy and healthy kitties. That's why we have tons of information on our blog to help you get more cuddles and nose boops.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Premium Bentonite Cat Litter.