Corn harvester | Combine Harvester, Crop Yield & ...

23 Sep.,2024


Corn harvester | Combine Harvester, Crop Yield & ...

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corn harvester, machine designed for harvesting corn and preparing it for storage. The earliest corn-harvesting devices, such as the horse-drawn sled cutter, severed the stalk at the ground. Binding of the stalks into shocks for drying, as well as the subsequent picking, husking, and shelling, were all done by hand. The mechanical binder was invented about . At about the same time, a rudimentary mechanical picker was developed, though it took nearly 30 years for a practical version to appear.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Corn Harvester. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

The mechanical picker snaps the ears from the stalk so that only the grain and cobs are harvested. The standing stalks are guided by shields or snouts to pass between counter-rotating rollers that pull the stalks down and through very sharply, snapping the ears free. The husking mechanism, consisting of closely spaced, counter-rotating rollers, tears the husks away. Pickers may be pulled behind a tractor and power-takeoff driven or mounted directly on the tractor, one unit on each side, to form a two-row harvester.

Field shelling attachments for mechanical pickers were introduced in the s. In the late 20th century, corn-harvesting attachments for the combine were in widespread use.

Pull behind corn harvester

I would like to buy a pull behind combine or corn harvester (one or two row) that I can pull behind my Kubota M. I've looked at several on

Here are some examples I see:

JOHN DEERE 38 Forage For Sale At

NEW HOLLAND 890 Forage For Sale At

Yesterday's Tractors - View Antique Tractor Photo Ads

OK, I assume you pull a wagon behind these?

Do they shell the corn like a combine or what????

We used to grow corn for the hogs, when I was a kid, but we used the manual picker. A bunch of use with hampers dumping in a trailer. Then we took it to the corn crib and scooped it out with a shovel. The we shucked the corn by hand and ran it through a manual sheller.

I could do this on 2-3 acres, but not 40-50.

We have a covington 1 or 2 row planter that we have always used.

Covington Planter: TP-46

I know that the "big boys" are using huge multi-row planters with GPS etc.... And they are doing no till. Can I use a seed drill to plant corn??? I have access to one. Or do I need to go conventional and till the land and plant with the covington. What about row spacing???

I know I have a lot of questions.

I would like to keep the investment minimal on the equipment side. We pretty much have everything we need to row crop. Subsoiler, turning plow, discs, covington planter, tractors, Farmall 140, etc....

I work at a school and am off work from about May 23 until Aug. 5. I have the time to do this, I just have never really done corn. We do sweet corn and about every possible veg. their is, but I haven't done "field corn" on this large a scale before.

Any help would be appreciated.


I've been knocking around the idea of planting my grandfather's land in corn. He has 160 acres with about 50-60 of those acres tillable. Can't use a combine, because the land is set up in parallel terraces. I want to plant 2-3 acres the first year (feed it to the goats) to get my feet wet and then if all goes well Grandad has told me to plant all the acreage I want (he's 81).I would like to buy a pull behind combine or corn harvester (one or two row) that I can pull behind my Kubota M. I've looked at several on Used Tractors at John Deere Tractors, used farm tractors and farm equipment, Case IH, New Holland, Agco, Caterpillar. , but don't know if I'm looking at the right thing.Here are some examples I see:OK, I assume you pull a wagon behind these?Do they shell the corn like a combine or what????We used to grow corn for the hogs, when I was a kid, but we used the manual picker.A bunch of use with hampers dumping in a trailer. Then we took it to the corn crib and scooped it out with a shovel. The we shucked the corn by hand and ran it through a manual sheller.I could do this on 2-3 acres, but not 40-50.We have a covington 1 or 2 row planter that we have always used.I know that the "big boys" are using huge multi-row planters with GPS etc.... And they are doing no till. Can I use a seed drill to plant corn??? I have access to one. Or do I need to go conventional and till the land and plant with the covington. What about row spacing???I know I have a lot of questions.I would like to keep the investment minimal on the equipment side. We pretty much have everything we need to row crop. Subsoiler, turning plow, discs, covington planter, tractors, Farmall 140, etc....I work at a school and am off work from about May 23 until Aug. 5. I have the time to do this, I just have never really done corn. We do sweet corn and about every possible veg. their is, but I haven't done "field corn" on this large a scale before.Any help would be appreciated.Chris